Thursday, April 3, 2014

Rukhsana Mireille Mardaga-Campbell eBook

rukhsana mireille

Rukhsana Mireille Mardaga-Campbell eBook

In a remote corner of the steppe, the thunder of hooves shakes the earth. The clans are at war. Rukshana is the sole survivor of an attack on her camp, and loses more than her loved ones and her land. She is only eight and she has lost her childhood. 

History remembers Alexander as a great conqueror, but his wife, like her name ‘Little Light’, is only a flutter in the vastness of memory. Rukhsana, was a leader, a lover and a mother, and to save her loved ones, she dared challenging the gods and the destiny they had written into history for her. 

For more about the author and history behind this story please visit, 

(Mireille Mardaga-Campbell WEBSITE)

(Mireille Mardaga-Campbell BLOG)

(eBook on Amazon

Alexander The Great Bust

Mireille Mardaga-Campbell

Alexander The Great Bust

Alexander The Great Bust

This novel takes the sparse story of Roxana, Alexander the Great's wife, and gives the reader a picture of a woman of purpose and strength, who suffers the problems of being the wife of a driven egomaniac. She begins by vowing to destroy him, but her love for him, in the end, leads her to protect him. The author has developed this maturing of the central character very competently and believably.

This novel, unfortunately, is greatly marred by poor proof-reading and editing, resulting in numerous spelling, grammatical and idiomatic errors. Some sentence construction is poor with additional words entered inappropriately. Some care taken with the final presentation would have removed my intense irritation while reading an otherwise thoroughly enjoyable and well researched and well constructed novel. Do not let this criticism of mine prevent any prospective reader from buying this novel and immersing oneself in the remarkable story of Rukhsana.

but Rukhsana was the only wife that Alexander the Great ever had....

Alexander the Great and Rukhsana (Roxanne) Romance. 

The greatest and most tragic love story ever in history is the Story of Roxanne, a beautiful
young girl from Afghanistan. One of the greatest men in history, perhaps the very greatest 
man in history, was Alexander the Great. His father was the King of Macedonia. Alexander
studied as a student under Aristotle, one of the greatest teachers and philosophers of history. 

When Alexander's father died, Alexander became the King of Macedonia. Soon, Alexander
fought wars against the neighbouring kingdoms, conquering them all. 

Alexander then decided to conquer the rest of the world, which he believed to be much
smaller than it really is. He took his army across into what is now Turkey, conquering and
defeating the people there. Then, he went into Egypt and later into Persia, with the
same result. 

In all this time, Alexander the Great had been so busy trying to conquer the world that
he had never bothered to take a wife, although he obviously could have had any women
he wanted. 

There was a beautiful young Afghan girl in Balkh named Rukhsana (Roxanne). This was
an era in which most kings had many wives, but Rukhsana 

eBooks & paperback stories: 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Howard Fine Acting Studio was opening a new studio in Melbourne...

Howard Fine Acting Studio was opening a new studio in Melbourne and we have been handing all their design and photography needs from the start till today.  We built the Howard Fine logo from scratch; we designed their websites for both Melbourne and Los Angeles schools.   We have done photography shoots of Howard and the students in action as well as their student's actor casting headshots. Promoting the studio further we have been creating all their posters, magazine publication advertisements, and signage.